
Seven questions on fluoroscopy x ray machine

Here are some fluoroscopy x ray machine points as follows:
General perspective of our discussion machines are basically refers to the x-ray machine, x-ray machines and can be divided into points of digital x-ray machines and non-digital x-ray machine.
X-ray machine uses made ​​of the X-ray machine principle, X-ray machines, the same used in the medical industry, for industry, exploration, metallurgical and other industries at the same time, it is the difference between the CT machine is that it is a flat X-ray scanning, CT machine stereoscopic tomography, CT fluoroscopy is a perspective tomography so large volume NATURAL, but it requires complex processing circuitry to the different angles of the X-ray picture processing establishment of the body, so it is impossible to achieve micro. X-ray machine just plane scanning, it can be miniature and portable.
We need to understand the seven characteristics of fluoroscopy
The fluoroscopy machine belongs to the high-end electronic products, the price of each of the parts are more expensive, are high-precision electronic components.
Perspective penetration depends on the perspective of different objects have different effects.
Perspective machine penetrating vision depends on, but can not be made to be regulated, because strong strong component pair, weak little weak components paired.
The perspective machine Penetration of the strength of the components of the price of the same.
The each demand perspective objects are not the same, of course fluoroscopy price are not the same.
The each demand perspective effect requirements are not the same.
Seventh, each demand requirements supporting the medical equipment is not the same connection type, wireless type, have not been treated to see the effect diagram, see treated effect diagram.

Article : From Perlong medical (http://www.pl999.net/)
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