The machine is integrating designed,with beautiful appearance,manual operation,convenient operation and use.

Features of x-ray device for mammography
1. The new die forming shell
2. Large full color LCD display, the system contains three full color LCD screen
3. Touch screen buttons
4. Isocenter of electric rotating u-shaped arm, convenient and unique automatic back to the middle function
5. Optional flexible compression system
6. Apolegamic with electric filtration device
7. Can Equipped with digital imaging features, CR or DR
8. Original breast texture measurement function
9. Optional solid-state imported sensor AEC system
Function of Cheap digital X ray mammography system BTX-9800D
1 Detect galactocele accurately;
2 Detect intraductal papilloma;
3 Detect mammary duct ectasia and acute mastitis:
4 Detect proliferation of mammary gland and breast cancer.
If you are interested,please contact us